graph TB
subgraph binarySearch二分查找
subgraph 广度优先遍历
HprofHeapGraph.indexHprof-->reader.readHprofRecords-->|callback HprofRecord|indexBuilderListener.onHprofRecord-->UnsortedByteEntries("UnsortedByteEntries,ScatterMap")
HprofHeapGraph.indexHprof-->indexBuilderListener.buildIndex-->|Sort entries by keys|SortedBytesMap-->HprofInMemoryIndex-->HprofHeapGraph
FindLeakInput.findLeaks-->State.findPathsFromGcRoots:BFS-->|start by enqueueGcRoots|findObjectById("graph.findObjectById")-->readFieldsAndEnqueue
graph TB
UnsortedByteEntries-->|Sort entries by keys|SortedBytesMap(SortedBytesMap: get perform binarySearch)
SortedBytesMap-->|get return|ByteSubArray
HprofRecord-->ScatterMap("ScatterMap(hprofStringCache, classNames)")
LruCache:objectCache-->|cached when readObjectRecord|HprofHeapGraph
//ScatterMap contains: classNames and hprofStringCache
// LRU cache size of 3000 is a sweet spot to balance hits vs memory usage.
// This is based on running InstrumentationLeakDetectorTest a bunch of time on a
// Pixel 2 XL API 28. Hit count was ~120K, miss count ~290K
private val objectCache = LruCache<Long, ObjectRecord>(3000)
graph LR
graph LR
* Analyzes heap dumps to look for leaks.
* Searches the heap dump for leaking instances and then computes the shortest strong reference
* path from those instances to the GC roots.
fun analyze(
heapDumpFile: File,
leakingObjectFinder: LeakingObjectFinder,
referenceMatchers: List<ReferenceMatcher> = emptyList(),
computeRetainedHeapSize: Boolean = false,
objectInspectors: List<ObjectInspector> = emptyList(),
metadataExtractor: MetadataExtractor = MetadataExtractor.NO_OP,
proguardMapping: ProguardMapping? = null
): HeapAnalysis {
.use { hprof ->
val graph = HprofHeapGraph.indexHprof(hprof, proguardMapping)
val helpers =
FindLeakInput(graph, referenceMatchers, computeRetainedHeapSize, objectInspectors)
metadataExtractor, leakingObjectFinder, heapDumpFile, analysisStartNanoTime
private class FindLeakInput(
val graph: HeapGraph,
val referenceMatchers: List<ReferenceMatcher>,
val computeRetainedHeapSize: Boolean,
val objectInspectors: List<ObjectInspector>
private fun FindLeakInput.analyzeGraph(
metadataExtractor: MetadataExtractor,
leakingObjectFinder: LeakingObjectFinder,
heapDumpFile: File,
analysisStartNanoTime: Long
): HeapAnalysisSuccess {
val metadata = metadataExtractor.extractMetadata(graph)
val leakingObjectIds = leakingObjectFinder.findLeakingObjectIds(graph)
val (applicationLeaks, libraryLeaks) = findLeaks(leakingObjectIds)
return HeapAnalysisSuccess(
heapDumpFile = heapDumpFile,
createdAtTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(),
analysisDurationMillis = since(analysisStartNanoTime),
metadata = metadata,
applicationLeaks = applicationLeaks,
libraryLeaks = libraryLeaks
private fun FindLeakInput.findLeaks(leakingObjectIds: Set<Long>): Pair<List<ApplicationLeak>, List<LibraryLeak>> {
val pathFinder = PathFinder(graph, listener, referenceMatchers)
val pathFindingResults =
pathFinder.findPathsFromGcRoots(leakingObjectIds, computeRetainedHeapSize)
SharkLog.d { "Found ${leakingObjectIds.size} retained objects" }
return buildLeakTraces(pathFindingResults)
* Finds the shortest path from leaking references to a gc root, first ignoring references
* identified as "to visit last" and then visiting them as needed if no path is
* found.
internal class PathFinder(
private class State(
val leakingObjectIds: Set<Long>,
val sizeOfObjectInstances: Int,
val computeRetainedHeapSize: Boolean
) {
/** Set of objects to visit */
val toVisitQueue: Deque<ReferencePathNode> = ArrayDeque()
* Objects to visit when [toVisitQueue] is empty. Should contain [JavaFrame] gc roots first,
* then [LibraryLeakNode].
val toVisitLastQueue: Deque<ReferencePathNode> = ArrayDeque()
* Enables fast checking of whether a node is already in the queue.
val toVisitSet = HashSet<Long>()
val toVisitLastSet = HashSet<Long>()
val visitedSet = LongScatterSet()
fun findPathsFromGcRoots(
leakingObjectIds: Set<Long>,
computeRetainedHeapSize: Boolean
): PathFindingResults {
val sizeOfObjectInstances = determineSizeOfObjectInstances(graph)
val state = State(leakingObjectIds, sizeOfObjectInstances, computeRetainedHeapSize)
return state.findPathsFromGcRoots()
* Map of objects to their leaking dominator.
key: currentObjectId --> value: directDominatorObjectId
* If an object has been added to [toVisitSet] or [visitedSet] and is missing from
* [dominatedObjectIds] then it's considered "undomitable" ie it is dominated by gc roots
* and cannot be dominated by a leaking object.
val dominatedObjectIds = LongLongScatterMap()
//main algorithm to find the shortest path to GCRoot, BFS is useful because when the first time we visit leakObject, the shortest path is found. Use ChildNode to find the parent ReferencePathNode
private fun State.findPathsFromGcRoots(): PathFindingResults {
//iterate different type GcRoot and enqueue them into toVisitQueue or toVisitLastQueue
val shortestPathsToLeakingObjects = mutableListOf<ReferencePathNode>()
visitingQueue@ while (queuesNotEmpty) {
val node = poll()
if (checkSeen(node)) {
throw IllegalStateException(
"Node $node objectId=${node.objectId} should not be enqueued when already visited or enqueued"
if (node.objectId in leakingObjectIds) {
// Found all refs, stop searching (unless computing retained size)
if (shortestPathsToLeakingObjects.size == leakingObjectIds.size) {
if (computeRetainedHeapSize) {
} else {
when (val heapObject = graph.findObjectById(node.objectId)) {
is HeapClass -> visitClassRecord(heapObject, node)
is HeapInstance -> visitInstance(heapObject, node)
is HeapObjectArray -> visitObjectArray(heapObject, node)
return PathFindingResults(shortestPathsToLeakingObjects, dominatedObjectIds)
private fun State.visitInstance(
instance: HeapInstance,
parent: ReferencePathNode
) {
val fieldNamesAndValues = instance.readFields()
.filter { it.value.isNonNullReference }//only reference type need to be iterate, primitive is not.
fieldNamesAndValues.sortBy { }
fieldNamesAndValues.forEach { field ->
val objectId = field.value.asObjectId!!
if (computeRetainedHeapSize) {
updateDominatorWithSkips(parent.objectId, objectId)
val node = when (val referenceMatcher = fieldReferenceMatchers[]) {
null -> NormalNode(
objectId = objectId,
parent = parent,
refFromParentType = INSTANCE_FIELD,
refFromParentName =
is LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher ->
objectId = objectId,
parent = parent,
refFromParentType = INSTANCE_FIELD,
refFromParentName =,
matcher = referenceMatcher
is IgnoredReferenceMatcher -> null
if (node != null) {
private fun State.enqueue(
node: ReferencePathNode
) {
val visitLast =
node is LibraryLeakNode ||
// We deprioritize thread objects because on Lollipop the thread local values are stored
// as a field.
(node is RootNode && node.gcRoot is ThreadObject) ||
(node is NormalNode && node.parent is RootNode && node.parent.gcRoot is JavaFrame)
if (toVisitLastSet.contains(node.objectId)) {
// Already enqueued => shorter or equal distance amongst library leak ref patterns.
if (visitLast) {
} else {
val nodeToRemove = toVisitLastQueue.first { it.objectId == node.objectId }
val isLeakingObject = node.objectId in leakingObjectIds
if (!isLeakingObject) {
val skip = when (val graphObject = graph.findObjectById(node.objectId)) {
is HeapClass -> false
is HeapInstance ->
when {
graphObject.isPrimitiveWrapper -> true
graphObject.instanceClassName == "java.lang.String" -> true
graphObject.instanceClass.instanceByteSize <= sizeOfObjectInstances -> true
else -> false
is HeapObjectArray -> when {
graphObject.isPrimitiveWrapperArray -> true
else -> false
is HeapPrimitiveArray -> true
if (skip) {
if (visitLast) {
} else {
private fun State.enqueueGcRoots() {
val gcRoots = sortedGcRoots()
private fun State.updateDominator(//contains very detail doc about the algorithm to generate dominator tree
* A [HeapGraph] that reads from an indexed [Hprof]. Create a new instance with [indexHprof].
class HprofHeapGraph internal constructor(
private val hprof: Hprof,
private val index: HprofInMemoryIndex
) : HeapGraph {
companion object {
fun indexHprof(
hprof: Hprof,
proguardMapping: ProguardMapping? = null,
indexedGcRootTypes: Set<KClass<out GcRoot>> = setOf(
// ThreadObject points to threads, which we need to find the thread that a JavaLocalPattern
// belongs to
Not included here:
VmInternal: Ignoring because we've got 150K of it, but is this the right thing
to do? What's VmInternal exactly? History does not go further than
We should log to figure out what objects VmInternal points to.
ReferenceCleanup: We used to keep it, but the name doesn't seem like it should create a leak.
Unknown: it's unknown, should we care?
We definitely don't care about those for leak finding: InternedString, Finalizing, Debugger, Unreachable
): HeapGraph {
val index = HprofInMemoryIndex.createReadingHprof(hprof, proguardMapping, indexedGcRootTypes)
return HprofHeapGraph(hprof, index)
override fun findClassByName(className: String): HeapClass? {
val classId = index.classId(className)
return if (classId == null) {
} else {
return findObjectById(classId) as HeapClass
override fun findObjectById(objectId: Long): HeapObject {
return findObjectByIdOrNull(objectId) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Object id $objectId not found in heap dump."
override fun findObjectByIdOrNull(objectId: Long): HeapObject? {
if (objectId == javaLangObjectClass?.objectId) return javaLangObjectClass
val indexedObject = index.indexedObjectOrNull(objectId) ?: return null
return wrapIndexedObject(indexedObject, objectId)
private fun wrapIndexedObject(
indexedObject: IndexedObject,
objectId: Long
): HeapObject {
return when (indexedObject) {
is IndexedClass -> HeapClass(this, indexedObject, objectId)
is IndexedInstance -> {
val isPrimitiveWrapper = index.primitiveWrapperTypes.contains(indexedObject.classId)
HeapInstance(this, indexedObject, objectId, isPrimitiveWrapper)
is IndexedObjectArray -> {
val isPrimitiveWrapperArray =
HeapObjectArray(this, indexedObject, objectId, isPrimitiveWrapperArray)
is IndexedPrimitiveArray -> HeapPrimitiveArray(this, indexedObject, objectId)
fun createReadingHprof(
hprof: Hprof,
proguardMapping: ProguardMapping?,
indexedGcRootTypes: Set<KClass<out GcRoot>>
): HprofInMemoryIndex {
val recordTypes = setOf(
val reader = hprof.reader
// First pass to count and correctly size arrays once and for all.
var classCount = 0
var instanceCount = 0
var objectArrayCount = 0
var primitiveArrayCount = 0
), OnHprofRecordListener { position, record ->
when (record) {
is LoadClassRecord -> classCount++
is InstanceSkipContentRecord -> instanceCount++
is ObjectArraySkipContentRecord -> objectArrayCount++
is PrimitiveArraySkipContentRecord -> primitiveArrayCount++
val indexBuilderListener =
reader.identifierByteSize == 8, hprof.fileLength, classCount, instanceCount,
objectArrayCount, primitiveArrayCount, { }
reader.readHprofRecords(recordTypes, indexBuilderListener)
return indexBuilderListener.buildIndex(proguardMapping)
* Map of string id to string
* This currently keeps all the hprof strings that we could care about: class names,
* static field names and instance fields names
// TODO Replacing with a radix trie reversed into a sparse array of long to trie leaf could save
// memory. Can be stored as 3 arrays: array of keys, array of values which are indexes into
// a large array of string bytes. Each "entry" consists of a size, the index of the previous
// segment and then the segment content.
private val hprofStringCache = LongObjectScatterMap<String>()
* class id to string id
private val classNames = LongLongScatterMap(expectedElements = classCount)
private val classIndex = UnsortedByteEntries(
bytesPerValue = positionSize + identifierSize + 4,
longIdentifiers = longIdentifiers,
initialCapacity = classCount
private val instanceIndex = UnsortedByteEntries(
bytesPerValue = positionSize + identifierSize,
longIdentifiers = longIdentifiers,
initialCapacity = instanceCount
private val objectArrayIndex = UnsortedByteEntries(
bytesPerValue = positionSize + identifierSize,
longIdentifiers = longIdentifiers,
initialCapacity = objectArrayCount
private val primitiveArrayIndex = UnsortedByteEntries(
bytesPerValue = positionSize + 1,
longIdentifiers = longIdentifiers,
initialCapacity = primitiveArrayCount
override fun onHprofRecord(
position: Long,
record: HprofRecord
) {
when (record) {
is StringRecord -> {
if (PRIMITIVE_WRAPPER_TYPES.contains(record.string)) {
// JVM heap dumps use "/" for package separators (vs "." for Android heap dumps)
hprofStringCache[] = record.string.replace('/', '.')
is LoadClassRecord -> {
classNames[] = record.classNameStringId
if (primitiveWrapperClassNames.contains(record.classNameStringId)) {
is GcRootRecord -> {
val gcRoot = record.gcRoot
if ( != ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE
&& indexedGcRootsTypes.contains(gcRoot.javaClass)
) {
gcRoots += gcRoot
is ClassSkipContentRecord -> {
classIndex.append( id in an entry
.apply {//write value bytes
writeTruncatedLong(position, positionSize)
is InstanceSkipContentRecord -> {
.apply {
writeTruncatedLong(position, positionSize)
is ObjectArraySkipContentRecord -> {
.apply {
writeTruncatedLong(position, positionSize)
is PrimitiveArraySkipContentRecord -> {
.apply {
writeTruncatedLong(position, positionSize)
fun buildIndex(
proguardMapping: ProguardMapping?
): HprofInMemoryIndex {
val sortedInstanceIndex = instanceIndex.moveToSortedMap()
val sortedObjectArrayIndex = objectArrayIndex.moveToSortedMap()
val sortedPrimitiveArrayIndex = primitiveArrayIndex.moveToSortedMap()
val sortedClassIndex = classIndex.moveToSortedMap()
// Passing references to avoid copying the underlying data structures.
return HprofInMemoryIndex(
hprofStringCache, classNames, sortedClassIndex, sortedInstanceIndex,
sortedPrimitiveArrayIndex, gcRoots,
fun indexedObjectOrNull(objectId: Long): IndexedObject? {
var array: ByteSubArray? = classIndex[objectId]
if (array != null) {
return IndexedClass(
position = array.readTruncatedLong(positionSize),
superclassId = array.readId(),
instanceSize = array.readInt()
array = instanceIndex[objectId]
if (array != null) {
return IndexedInstance(
position = array.readTruncatedLong(positionSize),
classId = array.readId()
array = objectArrayIndex[objectId]
if (array != null) {
return IndexedObjectArray(
position = array.readTruncatedLong(positionSize),
arrayClassId = array.readId()
array = primitiveArrayIndex[objectId]
if (array != null) {
return IndexedPrimitiveArray(
position = array.readTruncatedLong(positionSize),
primitiveType = PrimitiveType.values()[array.readByte()
return null
* Reads all hprof records from [source].
* Assumes the [reader] was has a source that currently points to the start position of hprof
* records.
@Suppress("ComplexMethod", "LongMethod")
fun readHprofRecords(
recordTypes: Set<KClass<out HprofRecord>>,
listener: OnHprofRecordListener
) {
while (!exhausted()) {
// type of the record
val tag = readUnsignedByte()
// number of microseconds since the time stamp in the header
// number of bytes that follow and belong to this record
val length = readUnsignedInt()
when (tag) {
if (readStringRecord) {
val recordPosition = position
val id = readId()
val stringLength = length - identifierByteSize
val string = readUtf8(stringLength)
val record = StringRecord(id, string)
listener.onHprofRecord(recordPosition, record)
} else {
if (readLoadClassRecord) {
val recordPosition = position
val classSerialNumber = readInt()
val id = readId()
val stackTraceSerialNumber = readInt()
val classNameStringId = readId()
reusedLoadClassRecord.apply {
this.classSerialNumber = classSerialNumber = id
this.stackTraceSerialNumber = stackTraceSerialNumber
this.classNameStringId = classNameStringId
listener.onHprofRecord(recordPosition, reusedLoadClassRecord)
} else {
val heapDumpStart = position
var previousTag = 0
var previousTagPosition = 0L
while (position - heapDumpStart < length) {
val heapDumpTagPosition = position
val heapDumpTag = readUnsignedByte()//position increase
when (heapDumpTag) {
if (readGcRootRecord) {
val recordPosition = position
val record = GcRootRecord(gcRoot = Unknown(id = readId()))
listener.onHprofRecord(recordPosition, record)
} else {
skip(identifierByteSize)//position increase
if (readGcRootRecord) {
val recordPosition = position
val gcRootRecord =
GcRootRecord(gcRoot = JniGlobal(id = readId(), jniGlobalRefId = readId()))
listener.onHprofRecord(recordPosition, gcRootRecord)
} else {
skip(identifierByteSize + identifierByteSize)
if (readHeapDumpEndRecord) {
val recordPosition = position
val record = HeapDumpEndRecord
listener.onHprofRecord(recordPosition, record)
else -> {
* A Hprof record. These data structure map 1:1 with how records are written in hprof files.
sealed class HprofRecord {
class StringRecord(
val id: Long,
val string: String
) : HprofRecord()
class LoadClassRecord(
classSerialNumber: Int,
id: Long,
stackTraceSerialNumber: Int,
classNameStringId: Long
) : HprofRecord() {
sealed class ObjectRecord : HeapDumpRecord() {
class ClassDumpRecord(
val id: Long,
val stackTraceSerialNumber: Int,
val superclassId: Long,
val classLoaderId: Long,
val signersId: Long,
val protectionDomainId: Long,
val instanceSize: Int,
val staticFields: List<StaticFieldRecord>,
val fields: List<FieldRecord>
) : ObjectRecord() {
class InstanceDumpRecord(
val id: Long,
val stackTraceSerialNumber: Int,
val classId: Long,
* Instance field values (this class, followed by super class, etc)
val fieldValues: ByteArray
) : ObjectRecord()
class ObjectArrayDumpRecord(
val id: Long,
val stackTraceSerialNumber: Int,
val arrayClassId: Long,
val elementIds: LongArray
) : ObjectRecord()
sealed class PrimitiveArrayDumpRecord : ObjectRecord() {
* An object in the heap dump.
* This [HeapObject] as a [HeapClass] if it is one, or null otherwise
val asClass: HeapClass?
get() = if (this is HeapClass) this else null
* This [HeapObject] as a [HeapInstance] if it is one, or null otherwise
val asInstance: HeapInstance?
get() = if (this is HeapInstance) this else null
* A class in the heap dump.
class HeapClass internal constructor(
private val hprofGraph: HprofHeapGraph,
private val indexedObject: IndexedClass,
override val objectId: Long
) : HeapObject() {
* Returns a [HeapField] object that reflects the specified declared
* field of the class represented by this [HeapClass] object, or null if this field does not
* exist. The [name] parameter specifies the simple name of the desired field.
* Also available as a convenience operator: [get]
* This may trigger IO reads.
fun readStaticField(fieldName: String): HeapField? {
for (fieldRecord in readRecord().staticFields) {
if (hprofGraph.staticFieldName(objectId, fieldRecord) == fieldName) {
return HeapField(
this, hprofGraph.staticFieldName(objectId, fieldRecord),
HeapValue(hprofGraph, fieldRecord.value)
return null
* An instance in the heap dump.
class HeapInstance internal constructor(
private val hprofGraph: HprofHeapGraph,
internal val indexedObject: IndexedInstance,
override val objectId: Long,
* Whether this is an instance of a primitive wrapper type.
val isPrimitiveWrapper: Boolean
) : HeapObject() {
* Returns a [HeapField] object that reflects the specified declared
* field of the instance represented by this [HeapInstance] object, or null if this field does
* not exist. The [declaringClassName] specifies the class in which the desired field is
* declared, and the [fieldName] parameter specifies the simple name of the desired field.
* Also available as a convenience operator: [get]
* This may trigger IO reads.
fun readField(
declaringClassName: String,
fieldName: String
): HeapField? {
return readFields().firstOrNull { field -> == declaringClassName && == fieldName }
* The fields of this instance, as a sequence of [HeapField].
* This may trigger IO reads.
fun readFields(): Sequence<HeapField> {
val fieldReader by lazy {
return instanceClass.classHierarchy
.map { heapClass ->
.map { fieldRecord ->
val fieldName = hprofGraph.fieldName(heapClass.objectId, fieldRecord)
val fieldValue = fieldReader.readValue(fieldRecord)
HeapField(heapClass, fieldName, HeapValue(hprofGraph, fieldValue))
.flatten()//change two dimensional sequence into one dimensional
internal sealed class IndexedObject {
abstract val position: Long
class IndexedClass(
override val position: Long,
val superclassId: Long,
val instanceSize: Int
) : IndexedObject()
class IndexedInstance(
override val position: Long,
val classId: Long
) : IndexedObject()
class IndexedObjectArray(
override val position: Long,
val arrayClassId: Long
) : IndexedObject()
class IndexedPrimitiveArray(
override val position: Long,
primitiveType: PrimitiveType
) : IndexedObject() {
private val primitiveTypeOrdinal: Byte = primitiveType.ordinal.toByte()
val primitiveType: PrimitiveType
get() = PrimitiveType.values()[primitiveTypeOrdinal.toInt()]
* Wraps a byte array of entries where each entry is an id followed by bytes for the value.
* `id` is a long if [longIdentifiers] is true and an int otherwise. Each entry has [bytesPerValue]
* value bytes. Entries are appended into the array via [append]. Once done, the backing array
* is sorted and turned into a [SortedBytesMap] by calling [moveToSortedMap].
internal class UnsortedByteEntries(
private val bytesPerValue: Int,
private val longIdentifiers: Boolean,
private val initialCapacity: Int = 4,
private val growthFactor: Double = 2.0
) {
private val bytesPerEntry = bytesPerValue + if (longIdentifiers) 8 else 4
private var entries: ByteArray? = null
private val subArray = MutableByteSubArray()
private var subArrayIndex = 0
private var assigned: Int = 0
private var currentCapacity = 0
fun append(
key: Long
): MutableByteSubArray {
if (entries == null) {
currentCapacity = initialCapacity
entries = ByteArray(currentCapacity * bytesPerEntry)
} else {
if (currentCapacity == assigned) {
val newCapacity = (currentCapacity * growthFactor).toInt()
currentCapacity = newCapacity
subArrayIndex = 0
return subArray
fun moveToSortedMap(): SortedBytesMap {
if (assigned == 0) {
return SortedBytesMap(longIdentifiers, bytesPerValue, ByteArray(0))
val entries = entries!!
// Sort entries by keys, which are ids of 4 or 8 bytes.
ByteArrayTimSort.sort(entries, 0, assigned, bytesPerEntry, object : ByteArrayComparator {
override fun compare(
entrySize: Int,
o1Array: ByteArray,
o1Index: Int,
o2Array: ByteArray,
o2Index: Int
): Int {
return if (longIdentifiers) {
readLong(o1Array, o1Index * entrySize)
readLong(o2Array, o2Index * entrySize)
} else {
readInt(o1Array, o1Index * entrySize)
readInt(o2Array, o2Index * entrySize)
val sortedEntries = if (entries.size > assigned * bytesPerEntry) {
entries.copyOf(assigned * bytesPerEntry)
} else entries
this.entries = null
assigned = 0
return SortedBytesMap(
longIdentifiers, bytesPerValue, sortedEntries
* A read only map of `id` => `byte array` sorted by id, where `id` is a long if [longIdentifiers]
* is true and an int otherwise. Each entry has a value byte array of size [bytesPerValue].
* Instances are created by [UnsortedByteEntries]
* [get] and [contains] perform a binary search to locate a specific entry by key.
internal class SortedBytesMap(
private val longIdentifiers: Boolean,
private val bytesPerValue: Int,
private val sortedEntries: ByteArray
) {
private val bytesPerKey = if (longIdentifiers) 8 else 4
private val bytesPerEntry = bytesPerKey + bytesPerValue
private val size = sortedEntries.size / bytesPerEntry
operator fun get(key: Long): ByteSubArray? {
val keyIndex = binarySearch(key)
if (keyIndex < 0) {
return null
val valueIndex = keyIndex * bytesPerEntry + bytesPerKey
return ByteSubArray(sortedEntries, valueIndex, bytesPerValue, longIdentifiers)
private fun binarySearch(
key: Long
): Int {
val startIndex = 0
val endIndex = size
var lo = startIndex
var hi = endIndex - 1
while (lo <= hi) {
val mid = (lo + hi).ushr(1)
val midVal = keyAt(mid)
when {
midVal < key -> lo = mid + 1
midVal > key -> hi = mid - 1
else -> return mid
return lo.inv()
* Being given a key looks it up in the map and returns the slot where element sits, so it later
* can be retrieved with [getSlotValue]; return '-1' if element not found.
* Why so complicated and not just make [get] return null if value not found? The reason is performance:
* this approach prevents unnecessary boxing of the primitive long that would happen with nullable Long?
fun getSlot(key: Long): Int {
if (key == 0L) {
return if (hasEmptyKey) mask + 1 else -1
} else {
val keys = this.keys
val mask = this.mask
var slot = hashKey(key) and mask
var existing = keys[slot]
while (existing != 0L) {
if (existing == key) {
return slot
slot = slot + 1 and mask
existing = keys[slot]
return -1
* Being given a slot of element retrieves it from the collection
fun getSlotValue(slot: Int): Long = values[slot]