
Overview of memory management

Share memory


graph LR


In order to fit everything it needs in RAM, Android tries to share RAM pages across processes. It can do so in the following ways:

  • Each app process is forked from an existing process called Zygote. The Zygote process starts when the system boots and loads common framework code and resources (such as activity themes). To start a new app process, the system forks the Zygote process then loads and runs the app’s code in the new process. This approach allows most of the RAM pages allocated for framework code and resources to be shared across all app processes.
  • Most static data is mmapped into a process. This technique allows data to be shared between processes, and also allows it to be paged out when needed. Example static data include: Dalvik code (by placing it in a pre-linked .odex file for direct mmapping), app resources (by designing the resource table to be a structure that can be mmapped and by aligning the zip entries of the APK), and traditional project elements like native code in .so files.
  • In many places, Android shares the same dynamic RAM across processes using explicitly allocated shared memory regions (either with ashmem or gralloc). For example, window surfaces use shared memory between the app and screen compositor, and cursor buffers use shared memory between the content provider and client.

Due to the extensive use of shared memory, determining how much memory your app is using requires care. Techniques to properly determine your app’s memory use are discussed in Investigating Your RAM Usage.

Allocate and reclaim app memory

The Dalvik heap is constrained to a single virtual memory range for each app process. This defines the logical heap size, which can grow as it needs to but only up to a limit that the system defines for each app.

The logical size of the heap is not the same as the amount of physical memory used by the heap. When inspecting your app’s heap, Android computes a value called the Proportional Set Size (PSS), which accounts for both dirty and clean pages that are shared with other processes—but only in an amount that’s proportional to how many apps share that RAM. This (PSS) total is what the system considers to be your physical memory footprint. For more information about PSS, see the Investigating Your RAM Usage guide.

The Dalvik heap does not compact the logical size of the heap, meaning that Android does not defragment the heap to close up space. Android can only shrink the logical heap size when there is unused space at the end of the heap. However, the system can still reduce physical memory used by the heap. After garbage collection, Dalvik walks the heap and finds unused pages, then returns those pages to the kernel using madvise. So, paired allocations and deallocations of large chunks should result in reclaiming all (or nearly all) the physical memory used. However, reclaiming memory from small allocations can be much less efficient because the page used for a small allocation may still be shared with something else that has not yet been freed.

Restrict app memory

To maintain a functional multi-tasking environment, Android sets a hard limit on the heap size for each app. The exact heap size limit varies between devices based on how much RAM the device has available overall. If your app has reached the heap capacity and tries to allocate more memory, it can receive an OutOfMemoryError.

In some cases, you might want to query the system to determine exactly how much heap space you have available on the current device—for example, to determine how much data is safe to keep in a cache. You can query the system for this figure by calling getMemoryClass(). This method returns an integer indicating the number of megabytes available for your app’s heap.

Memory allocation among processes

Types of memory

Android devices contain three different types of memory: RAM, zRAM, and storage. Note that both the CPU and GPU access the same RAM.

Figure 1. Types of memory - RAM, zRAM, and storage

  • RAM is the fastest type of memory, but is usually limited in size. High-end devices typically have the largest amounts of RAM.
  • zRAM is a partition of RAM used for swap space. Everything is compressed when placed into zRAM, and then decompressed when copied out of zRAM. This portion of RAM grows or shrinks in size as pages are moved into or taken out of zRAM. Device manufacturers can set the maximum size.
  • Storage contains all of the persistent data such as the file system and the included object code for all apps, libraries, and the platform. Storage has much more capacity than the other two types of memory. On Android, storage isn’t used for swap space like it is on other Linux implementations since frequent writing can cause wear on this memory, and shorten the life of the storage medium.

Memory pages


graph LR

subgraph  Can be moved/compressed in zRAM by kswapd

subgraph  written back to the file in storage

subgraph can be deleted by kswapd

Used-->|backed by a file on storage|Cached
Used-->|not backed by a file on storage|Anonymous-->zRAMDirty("Dirty")

RAM is broken up into pages. Typically each page is 4KB of memory.

Pages are considered either free or used. Free pages are unused RAM. Used pages are RAM that the system is actively using, and are grouped into the following categories:

  • Cached: Memory backed by a file on storage (for example, code or memory-mapped files). There are two types of cached memory:
    • Private: Owned by one process and not shared
      • Clean: Unmodified copy of a file on storage, can be deleted by kswapd to increase free memory
      • Dirty: Modified copy of the file on storage; can be moved to, or compressed in, zRAM by kswapd to increase free memory
    • Shared: Used by multiple processes
      • Clean: Unmodified copy of the file on storage, can be deleted by kswapd to increase free memory
      • Dirty: Modified copy of the file on storage; allows changes to be written back to the file in storage to increase free memory by kswapd, or explicitly using msync() or munmap()
  • Anonymous: Memory not backed by a file on storage (for example, allocated mmap() with the MAP_ANONYMOUS flag set)
    • Dirty: Can be moved/compressed in zRAM by kswapd to increase free memory

Note: Clean pages contain an exact copy of a file (or portion of a file) that exists in storage. A clean page becomes a dirty page when it no longer contains an exact copy of the file (for example, from the result of an application operation). Clean pages can be deleted because they can always be regenerated using the data from storage; dirty pages cannot be deleted or else data would be lost.

Low memory management

Android has two main mechanisms to deal with low memory situations: the kernel swap daemon and low-memory killer.

kernel swap daemon

The kernel swap daemon (kswapd) is part of the Linux kernel, and converts used memory into free memory. The daemon becomes active when free memory on the device runs low. The Linux kernel maintains low and high free memory thresholds. When free memory falls below the low threshold, kswapd starts to reclaim memory. Once the free memory reaches the high threshold, kswapd stops reclaiming memory.

kswapd can reclaim clean pages by deleting them because they’re backed by storage and have not been modified. If a process tries to address a clean page that has been deleted, the system copies the page from storage to RAM. This operation is known as demand paging.

Figure 2. Clean page, backed by storage, deleted

kswapd can move cached private dirty pages and anonymous dirty pages to zRAM, where they are compressed. Doing so frees up available memory in RAM (free pages). If a process tries to touch a dirty page in zRAM, the page is uncompressed and moved back into RAM. If the process associated with a compressed page is killed, then the page is deleted from zRAM.

If the amount of free memory falls below a certain threshold, the system starts killing processes.

Figure 3. Dirty page moved to zRAM and compressed

Low-memory killer

Many times, kswapd cannot free enough memory for the system. In this case, the system uses onTrimMemory() to notify an app that memory is running low and that it should reduce its allocations. If this is not sufficient, the kernel starts killing processes to free up memory. It uses the low-memory killer (LMK) to do this.

To decide which process to kill, LMK uses an “out of memory” score called oom_adj_score to prioritize the running processes. Processes with a high score are killed first. Background apps are first to be killed, and system processes are last to be killed. The following table lists the LMK scoring categories from high-to-low. Items in the highest-scoring category, in row one, will be killed first:

Figure 4. Android processes, with high scores at the top and low scores at the bottom

Calculating memory footprint

The kernel tracks all memory pages in the system.

Pages used by different processes

Figure 5. Pages used by different processes

When determining how much memory is being used by an app, the system must account for shared pages. Apps that access the same service or library will be sharing memory pages. For example, Google Play Services and a game app may be sharing a location service. This makes it difficult to determine how much memory belongs to the service at large versus each application.

Pages shared by two apps

Figure 6. Pages shared by two apps (middle)

To determine the memory footprint for an application, any of the following metrics may be used:

  • Resident Set Size (RSS): The number of shared and non-shared pages used by the app
  • Proportional Set Size (PSS): The number of non-shared pages used by the app and an even distribution of the shared pages (for example, if three processes are sharing 3MB, each process gets 1MB in PSS)
  • Unique Set Size (USS): The number of non-shared pages used by the app (shared pages are not included)

PSS is useful for the operating system when it wants to know how much memory is used by all processes since pages don’t get counted multiple times. PSS takes a long time to calculate because the system needs to determine which pages are shared and by how many processes. RSS doesn’t distinguish between shared and non-shared pages (making it faster to calculate) and is better for tracking changes in memory allocation.





maxMemory = ((ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE)).getMemoryClass();
val am: ActivityManager = context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE) as ActivityManager //系统内存信息
val memInfo = ActivityManager.MemoryInfo()
reader = new RandomAccessFile("/proc/self/status", "r");